
packetstreamer is configured using a yaml-formatted configuration file.

input:                             # required in 'receiver' mode
  address: _ip-address_
  port: _listen-port_
  server:                          # required in 'sensor' mode
    address: _ip-address_
    port: _listen-port_
  file:                            # required in 'receiver' mode
    path: _filename_|stdout        # 'stdout' is a reserved name. Receiver will write to stdout
  plugins:                         # optional
      bucket: _string_
      region: _string_
      totalFileSize: _file_size_   # optional; default: 10 MB
      uploadChunkSize: _file_size_ # optional; default: 5 MB
      uploadTimeout: _timeout_     # optional; default: 1m
      cannedACL: _acl_             # optional; default: Bucket owner enforced
tls:                               # optional
  enable: _true_|_false_
  certfile: _filename_
  keyfile: _filename_
auth:                              # optional; receiver and sensor must use same shared key
  enable: _true_|_false_
  key: _string_
compressBlockSize: _integer_       # optional; default: 65
inputPacketLen: _integer_          # optional; default: 65535
gatherMaxWaitSec: _integer_        # optional; default: 5
logFilename: _filename_            # optional
pcapMode: _Allow_|_Deny_|_All_     # optional
capturePorts: _list-of-ports_      # optional
captureInterfacesPorts: _map: interface-name:port_ # optional
ignorePorts: _list-of-ports_       # optional

You can find example configuration files in the /contrib/config/ folder.